Monday, July 15, 2013

Phoenix to Baja to Yosemite and Back! Part 1

Well our Phoenix to Baja to Yosemite to Phoenix road trip has come and gone and it was quite the treck.  After nearly 1730 miles, countless gas station stops, a few near miss accidents and lots of funny inside jokes that only our family would find funny, we finally made it back home.  Here's part one of our trip.

We started the trip by driving to Baja, California to a small community called La Mision.  La Mision is about an hour south of San Diego and is home to beautiful beaches and fresh local  seafood.  Average temperature was about 65 degrees, so it was quite the departure from our hot Phoenix summers.

Baja, California, Mexico
 Baja is known for surfing and seafood and we took full advantage of both. The coastal highway from La Mision takes you directly to the port city of Ensenada where you can find shops and tourists and restaurants and lots of boats.  If you're in the know, you'll head to the local fish market where you can find just about anything seafood.

Ensenada Fish Market
Fresh Calamari


Ensenada Fish Market

My sous chef buying fish

Ensenada is home to the fish taco and they don't disappoint.  Always the highlight of our visit!

Fish Tacos, Ensenada Fish Market

After fish tacos it was back to the beach for some 4th of July fireworks.  Or at least some steel wool sparks and a slow shutter.

steel wool sparks
After several days of 65 degree weather and playing in the ocean it was time to charge the camera batteries and head out for leg two of the trip - Yosemite National Park.

boogie boarding in Baja!

Baja coast - long shutter

long walks on the beach are mandatory in Baja!

We had a great time in Baja and look forward to returning again someday.  For now, adios amigos and see you next time!

...Part 2 Yosemite coming soon!

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