Saturday, May 25, 2013

Phoenix Comicon 2013

Up until now the craziest convention that I have attended was the Action Sports (surfing/skateboarding industry) annual convention in San Diego.  That changed yesterday when I was given all access passes to attend this year's 2013 Phoenix Comicon convention.  I grabbed my son and his buddy and my camera and headed downtown to the Hyatt Regency Phoenix and the convention center where this all goes down to check out what all the hoopla is about.
Phoenix Comicon 2013

For those of you who know what Comicon is, just skip this and enjoy the photos.  For those of you who don't, I'll try to explain.

Basically Comicon is a comic book convention which started as a one day event in 2002 in Ahwatukee, Arizona with 400 attendees.  It has morphed over the years into a week long freak show (I use the word freak with humor and respect) attracting comic book lovers, sci fi crowds, zombies, gamers, video gamers, geeks, nerds, film makers, scantly clothed women (some of which I couldn't upload to this blog), Japanimation fans, and most interesting, cosplay enthusiasts.  The cosplay people are the ones who dress up (it's short for costume play).  In 2012, over 32,000 showed up.

There's a main area at the convention center where vendors set up booths.  Comic book stores, toy stores, collectables, costume creators, artists, etc. all showing off their stuff.  This is also the are that huge lines are formed for autographs.

In other areas of the convention center there are literally hundreds of classes that you can attend.  Anything from film making to writing to video game tournaments to discussing your favorite characters.  I'm being very general with that description.

A vendor sets up a table w/ figurines


We had good time people watching and taking photos.  I had to ask my son several times who certain characters were,  but by no means was I the oldest dude there.  People of all ages, sizes, & ethnic backgrounds seem to be attracted to this event.

a vendors art - alien from the movie

Everywhere you go people are taking photos with people in costumes.

Star Wars is big at the convention

This kind of explains Comicon in one photo.
...and so does this.

The horror genre is big too

some serious cosumes

Aside from the convention center, the Hyatt Regency Phoenix across the street also hosts part of this convention.  Huge Spider Man and Wonder Woman images adorn the lobby while guests play board games at one of the many tables set up. 

All in all we had a good time checking out Phoenix Comicon 2013 and I had fun taking these photos.  Would I go to the San Diego version?  No, I'm not that into it.  But you never know, we may go back to this one next year!

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